American Wildflower Honey is a medium bodied honey that varies slightly in flavor from season to season. Many people believe that regular consumption of raw honey may help alleviate allergy symptoms.
(12 oz 'half-pint' plastic bear container)
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Walker Honey Farm Wildflower Honey - Squeeze Bear
I've been using honey for several years now since I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. My diet changed drastically after my diagnoses. One of the things I started using was honey on my morning oatmeal. My wife found Walker Honey Farm Honey at the grocery store and I just loved the taste for breakfast. I also put it on my toast. It's about the only sweet thing I eat now days. Oh, and my doctor said my A1C has gone down so much that I'm not really considered diabetic any more! Walker Honey Farms honey was definitely part of my success.
Walker Honey Farm American Wildflower Squeeze Bear
Best honey on the market. Used to by this at HEB, but they don't seem to have it in stock on a regular basis. So, I turned to the source and will always by direct. Their mailing by UPS or Fedex (can't remember which) gets here almost before I finish my order. Can't be a day or two until my order arrives. The honey is fantastic on my morning breakfast of oatmeal and bananas. If you haven't tired it, you're missing out on a great tasting treat. My only concern is that I wished they'd stop using those packaging peanuts in their boxes. Those thing seem to go all over the place and stick to everything when trying to get my Bears out of the box. Lastly, I don't think there's a lower priced commodity on the market than Walker Farm Honey! Please stay in business for ever! Thanks, JIm
Walker Honey Farm Honey
This is the best honey on the market. I have tried others and this stands up better in quality and taste. There is something about this honey that seems so pure you just want to put it on everything. I use it every single day on my bowl of hot oatmeal and it is delicious. I used to buy this at our local HEB store, but they ran out so I found the Walker Honey Farm website and started ordering direct. I don't know how you did it, but I placed my last order one day and the next day it was delivered. Of course you do charge for this kind of delivery, but it was faster than anything else I've ordered. Good job on shipping and making the best honey on the market. Thanks!
Fantastic tasting honey
Don’t even think of hesitating to buy this just do it! You will be amazed at how good it tastes.
delightful, tasty, just right
Wildflower bear
I start my day with Walker honey. Love it, have allergies and it helps.
Best honey out there
I am not, generally, a fan of honey, especially in Texas. The wildflower honey from Walker Honey Farm, however, has shown me that it is possible to get a good local product in Texas. Make that "very good". Having gone through a gifted 8 oz bottle, I had to order more. It really can't be compared to anything else out there. Exceptional flavor, not painfully sweet, smooth and clear. Really very, very good. I'm a fan.
honey bear
So, far very good. have not had a chance to sample the two 'jars' of honey yet.
I love the flavor of this honey and is great to eat to help with local allergies.