About Us | “Bee-to-Bottle” since 1930
In the spring of 1930, G. C. Clint Walker, Sr. and his family were surviving the early years of the Great Depression thanks to a large garden, lots of canning, and Grandpa Walker’s skill as a butcher. When Clint’s grocery business in the small Central Texas town of Gause went under, Honey Bees seemed like a decent gamble.
Simply looking to keep his family fed, Clint Sr. bought 150 beehives. Little did he know he was founding a business that would span generations.
Nearly a century later, we’re still here, approaching our 91st annual honey crop harvested by a fourth generation of Walker Beekeepers. To be sure, the company has changed. In the past decade we have survived Colony Collapse Disorder and constructed a new Retail Store and Production Facility near Temple, TX. We’ve expanded on Grandpa Walker’s vision, now providing so much more than raw honey: beeswax soaps, candles, creamed honey, and craft meads and wines.
Everything we provide at the Walker Honey Farm Store is connected to our history as beekeepers. We care deeply about delivering wholesome, natural, local honey products to the community. Join us on one of our “Bee-to-Bottle” tours to see how we harvest, extract, and pack raw honey without interfering with Nature’s goodness. “Bee-to-bottle” is more than just a slogan for us, it’s a philosophy. Everything from our honey pralines, homemade peanut butter and honey, to our best-selling Blackberry Melomel honey wine is an expression of what nature’s buzzy little workers are capable of. Come have a taste!